The Truth About Teen’s Room

Sure They’re NOT Coming Back? Here Are 6 Pandemic Friendly Makeovers For Your Adult Child’s Room.

Jacqueline Perez


Can you TRUST they’re NOT coming back?

So many of our adult children boomeranged this year of COVID. In July, 52% of young adults resided with one or both of their parents, up from 47% in February, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of monthly Census Bureau data. Not since the Great Depression have that many young adults resided with their parents.

If you are one of the lucky ones; or unlucky depending on how much you enjoy housing your adult children; then you have some extra space in your home. Sure, you can keep it ‘intact’, a shrine to the memory of what ‘once was’, or, you can put it to much better use.

6 Makeovers For Your New Found Square Footage:

1. Build a New Walk-in Closet:

I can only speak for myself, but this is very appealing. I’m so tired of trying to cram more things in my overstuffed closet. The idea of an entire room as a closet makes me smile.

2. Create A Hobby Room:

2020 is a year where most of us have a great deal more ‘free’ time. Or, at least time at home. Couple that with fewer parental obligations and we’re free to take on new interests and hobbies. How about a room designated just for that?

3. Transform It Into A Gym:

These days going to the gym can be stressful and uncomfortable. I don’t know about you, but the idea of wearing a mask while I run on a treadmill sounds pretty awful. How nice would it be to walk down the hallway to start sweating?

4. Make A Woman’s ‘Cave’:

We’ve been cooped up with our families for over six months. I know that I am in need of some elbow room. How great would it be to have a place that is all yours? A place where you’re in charge of the remote control! Or, better yet — you don’t have a remote control. Read, write, meditate… Make it a place where you can do things that feed your soul.

5. Transform It Into A Recording Studio:

Everything is virtual these days. Everyone is online. Do you have a quiet space where you can meet and greet with your virtual community? With so little ‘in person’ options these days, many new podcasts and YouTube channels are popping up. Maybe this is of interest but you’ve never had the room to set-up a designated space?

6. Create A Guest Room:

Because, let’s face it: Do we really trust they’re not coming back?

About the Author:

Jacqueline (Jack) Perez champions women in midlife. Perez runs a virtual community, Kuel Life. Her mission? To re-define midlife for women through curated content and women driven brands. Sign-up for the Weekly Newsletter to have your hot topics delivered directly to your inbox.



Jacqueline Perez

Jacqueline (Jack) Perez is the CEO of Kuel Life. Her mission is to re-define midlife for women through curated content and women-driven brands.